A writer. A healer. A cat mother. A spiritualist. A tarot reader. A diviner. An intuitive. A trauma survivor. A non-drinker. A marketing leader. You may not believe everything you read here, but you will not forget it.
It is my purpose to use my words to share the healing I have experienced with others so that they might heal or better understand those who need to heal or are in the middle of their healing transformation.
These are my feelings. They represent me. But I do hope they help.
I dabble in my my own publication, Spirit of Catharsis, but my more serious writing can be found in Human Parts; ILLUMINATION; Know Thyself, Heal Thyself; Hello, Love; and About Me Stories. I am so grateful they have accepted and publish me.
These are my personal thoughts, feelings, learnings, experiences. If you know me in my professional life, you are just as welcome as any other reader. I kindly ask that you consume and move on without judgment.
Spirit of Catharsis is trademark pending as an center for spiritual and metaphysical healing for women and underrepresented groups who may not have access to traditional mental healthcare.